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Tutorial: Syncing Multicam Footage With PluralEyes 3

In part 2 of our series on multicam editing in Final Cut Pro X, 格伦·艾略特解释了如何在红巨人的PluralEyes 3中加速和简化多镜头同步过程.

在本教程中,我们将继续讨论在Final Cut Pro X中的多镜头编辑. 在 在之前的教程中,我们讨论了如何在Final Cut Pro中本地同步您的素材, how to make a multi-clip, and how to edit it on the timeline.

In my own edits for Cord3Films, 我发现,当你有一个更复杂的项目时,Final Cut Pro基于波形同步素材的原生能力往往会变得有点棘手. 例如, 如果你有一个项目有多个角度,每个角度有多个开始和停止, 我们将在本教程中使用像这个项目这样的多个音频源, it tends to be a little less reliable.

因为这个原因, we always use an external source to sync our footage, and that’s a third-party program called PluralEyes, developed by Singular Software, acquired last year by Red Giant Software of Magic Bullet fame, and recently upgraded to v3. 我们将在本教程中探索如何在PluralEyes 3中同步您的FCP X素材.

Preparing the Footage

As you can see in 图1 (下图), we’ve begun preparing the footage by adding metadata to each camera, because when you bring it in to Final Cut Pro X, Final Cut Pro has no idea what camera it is. 所以我们添加了元数据来识别摄像头1,摄像头2,摄像头3,摄像头4. We’ve also done the same thing with our discrete audio sources, because each audio source has to be treated like its own angle, so we highlighted it, went into the Inspector, and added a camera name to all of our audio sources, our off-camera audio.

图1. Our footage, tagged and prepped for syncing

为了让PluralEyes 3同步你的素材,你需要做更多的准备. It’s essentially just making a project, dumping all of your footage in there, exporting the XML, and then bringing that into PluralEyes 3. PluralEyes 3是基于XML的同步,所以我们现在将带您了解整个过程.

To begin, we’ll open up a new project. 然后我们突出显示所有来自相机1的剪辑,并将它们附加到时间轴上. Next we do the same thing with Camera 2, 但我们必须把每个角度都堆叠起来——我们不希望它们并排. 它们必须是分开的,所以我们按下Q键,使Camera 2的镜头成为一个连接的剪辑(下面的图2).

图2. Stacking the clips

Each camera that has more than one file has to be grouped. 因此,下一步是突出显示来自相机2的文件(在本例中), 有3个。, and hit Command-G to group them, as shown in 图2. We’re going to do the same thing with Camera 3--hit Q, highlight the clips, press Command-G to group them--and the same for Camera 4, 诸如此类. Next we have to do that with all of our audio angles as well. They got staggered a little bit in the process, 所以我们只需要拖动它们以确保它们彼此堆叠在一起(图3), 下图).

图3. Camera angles connected and stacked.

现在我们已经拥有了导出XML所需的一切,这非常简单. You just choose File > Export XML (下面的图4) and name your file.

图4. Exporting the XML.

We’re going to name this one “multicam” (下面的图5).

图5. 命名文件.

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